Build your own AI chat with Talkie AB: A Step-by-Step Guide

February 20, 2024
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Creating a powerful and effective AI-powered chatbot has never been easier thanks to Talkie AB. Here we guide you through the process, from building the basic intelligence to fine-tuning your chatbot's personality and putting it into operation. Follow these steps to create the best possible chatbot for your business.

1. Build Your Basic Intelligence and LLM Model

The first step in creating an effective chatbot is to give it a solid base of intelligence. With Talkie, this is both easy and quick.

  • Enter Your Domain Address: In the left menu, click on "AI Studio" and then "Build Knowledge Base". Enter your website address, and Talkie will load and learn all content automatically.
  • Upload Files: You can also upload specific documents and files that you want your AI to learn.

2. Fine-Tune and Calibrate Your Persona and Personality

To make your chatbot feel authentic and in line with your brand, it is important to create an appropriate persona.

  • Customize the Personality: Go to "bot builder" in the left menu and select the action block "AI model" to be able to select the LLM model you have created. This is where you can set up specific rules and instructions that match your brand's tonality and voice.
  • Create consistency: Make sure that all interactions with the chatbot reflect the personality and values of your company.

3. create custom workflows

On top of the basic intelligence, you can also build tailored flows to handle specific customer interactions.

  • Use Action Blocks: With Talkie's 40+ ready-made elements, you can build unique flows without any code.
  • Integrate Other Systems: Connect Talkie with your existing systems for a seamless user experience.

This is of course completely optional. Some customers use our powerful generative AI technology alone, while others combine this with so-called "custom workflows"

4. Design on Widget

Your chatbot's interface is also important for the user experience.

  • Customize the Look: Adjust logos, color codes and other design aspects to match your brand's identity.

5. Invite colleagues

A strong team can improve the performance and quality of the chatbot.

  • Unlimited Users: Talkie allows you to invite as many colleagues as you want to collaborate and improve the chatbot. This is done by clicking on "Settings" - "Teamates" - "Invite teamate" in the left menu

6. Activate Live Chat

A hybrid between AI and human interaction can be valuable in addressing complex issues.

  • Take Over Chats: Enable live chat to monitor and take over conversations from your AI when needed. Of course, this is entirely up to you as a customer. Some choose to be completely "logged out" and let their AI colleague take care of everything!

7. test, test and test again

Before launching your chatbot, it is crucial to conduct extensive testing.

  • Simulate Customer Scenarios: Test different use cases and fine-tune the chatbot's response based on the outcome.

8. Go Live

Once you're happy with your chatbot's performance, it's time to launch.

  • Go live: Publish your chatbot on your preferred platforms and start engaging your customers.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a powerful, user-friendly and efficient AI-powered chatbot that will improve your customer service and increase interaction with your customers. Good luck with your chatbot and welcome to the future of customer interaction with Talkie AB!